Predicate >ataY-i

Frameset: f1 "to come/arrive"

   ARG1: entity in motion / comer
   ARG2: end point/destination


 (S (S (VP (arrive/come/reach+he/it |>ataY | أَتَى)
	 (NP-SBJ (NP (many/much/numerous |kaviyruwna | كَثِيرُونَ))
		 (PP (from |min | مِن)
		     (NP (NP (agents |EumalA'i | عُمَلاءِ)
			     (NP (NP (bureau/office/department |makotabi | مَكْتَبِ)
				     (NP (the+investigations/verification/interrogation |Alt~aHoqiyqAti | التَّحْقِيقاتِ)))
				 (ADJP (the+Federal |AlfiydiyrAliy~i | الفِيدِيرالِيِّ))))
			 (PRN (PUNC -LRB-)
			      (NP (ABBREV Af)
				  (ABBREV by)
				  (ABBREV >y))
			      (PUNC -RRB-)))))
	 (PP-LOC (to/towards |<ilaY | إِلَى)
		 (NP (Germany |>alomAniyA | أَلْمانِيا))))) 

أَتَى كَثِيرُونَ مِن عُمَلاءِ مَكْتَبِ التَّحْقِيقاتِ الفِيدِيرالِيِّ -LRB- Af by >y -RRB- إِلَى أَلْمانِيا 

ARG1: kaviyruwna min EumalA'i makotabi Alt~aHoqiyqAti AlfiydiyrAliy~i (Af by >y )
Gloss: many agents from the federal bureau of investigation (FBI)
ARG2: <ilaY >alomAniyA
Gloss: to Germany
REL:  >ataY-i

Frameset: f2 "to perform/ to do"

   ARG0: performer
   ARG1: thing performed/ done


 (S (VP (arrive/come/reach+he/it |->ataY | -أَتَى)
      (NP-SBJ (-NONE- *))
      (PRN (PUNC ,)
	   (PP (from |min | مِن)
	       (NP (the+actions/activities/work |Al>aEomAli | الأَعْمالِ)))
	   (PUNC ,))
      (PP (with/by |bi- | بِ-)
	  (NP (the+admiration/amazement |-AlEajabi | -العَجَبِ)
	      (the+wonderful/amazing |AlEujAbi | العُجابِ)))))
(PUNC .)) 

-أَتَى , مِن الأَعْمالِ , بِ- -العَجَبِ العُجابِ . 

ARG0: *
Gloss: NP-SBJ (-NONE- *)
ARG1: min Al>aEomAli
Gloss: of Activities
ARGM-MNR: bi- -AlEajabi AlEujAbi
Gloss: by an amazing way
REL:  >ataY-i

Frameset: f3 "to bring"

   ARG0: bringer
   ARG1: thing brought


 (NP (NP (the+Ta'if_ |AlT~A}if | الطّائِف))
  (SBAR (WHNP-3 (which/who/whom |Al~a*iy | الَّذِي))
	(S (VP (arrive/come/reach+he/it |>ataY | أَتَى)
	       (NP-SBJ-3 (-NONE- *T*))
	       (PP-CLR (by/with |bi- | بِ-)
		       (NP (Ren |-riynih | -رِينِه)
			   (Moawad/Muawwad/Mouawad |muEaw~aD | مُعَوَّض)))
	       (NP-ADV (NP (president/head/chairman |ra}iysAF | رَئِيساً))
		       (PP (to/for |li- | لِ-)
			   (NP (the+republic |-Aljumohuwriy~api | -الجُمْهُورِيَّةِ))))))))))))))
(PUNC .)) 

الطّائِف الَّذِي أَتَى بِ- -رِينِه مُعَوَّض رَئِيساً لِ- -الجُمْهُورِيَّةِ . 

ARG0:  AL Taif">*T*-> AlT~A}if
Gloss: NP-SBJ-3 (-NONE- *T*) -> AL Taif
ARG1: bi- -riynih muEaw~aD
Gloss: by Ren Moawad
ARGM-PRD: ra}iysAF li- -Aljumohuwriy~api
Gloss: as a president of the republic
REL:  >ataY-i